Sunday, October 5, 2014

The long road to redemption

The hardest part of a relapse is coming out of it. I do well for a couple hours and then something will go wrong. Either I get hangry, (that’s a mixture of hungry and angry) so I walk to the break room and buy some crack donuts and a Mtn. Dew. Or I am off work, and headed home and hangry, so we stop at Wendy's and get french fries and a frosty. The working out bit, isn't going much better. I would love to blame this all on the fact that I am busy with going to watch my cousins volleyball games (which is partly true) but the whole point of this lifestyle change is to learn to cope with being busy. I know there are people out there who are WAY busier than I will ever be, and they are healthy. It's all about finding the right routine. The right habits that work for me. Because the habits that I am in right now are crap! This is a new week, there is nothing I can do about last week, so we start over! (Did you like my pep talk?)

I am interested to see how this month goes. I started house sitting on Wednesday October 1st. I didn't really bring food to the first house I am house sitting at. Some good food was left for me, but I had said that I would bring my own food. (Guess what? I didn't! How lame is that) I ate the bananas, and some of the carrots. I remember a few blog posts ago, I had decided that I needed to be prepared whenever I left my house for an extended period of time. Because if I don't have the necessary food provisions, I tend to go AWOL on my plan. I get lazy, and just go for speed and availability. (Hence the crack donuts)  PS I don't want ANYONE to think I am blaming the owners of the house I am house sitting for. I did not expect anyone to provide my food for me. I KNOW that I need to be responsible (I just wasn't)
Today I switch houses, and today I really am on my own! My goal this month is to reach that 200 pound mark, I have been working for since (I feel like) forever. I know it’s a tall order, but I WILL do it. (Maybe if I write it down it will be easier to remember) It's time I stop using every excuse in the book, and get down to it. I had been losing weight before, so I know I can do it again. My mom and I were talking about my cousin's volleyball team, and how they get in their own heads when they make a mistake out on the court, and I just realized that is what I do when I eat something bad. I beat myself up about it, and then I get depressed and then I eat MORE crack donuts. What's that song that’s out now, that ALL the kids are singing? …… "Let it go"

Alright folks! Let's get down to business!

This week, I will take it day by day. These are my goals for the week:
1. To lose three pounds.
3. Exercise at least five days this week. (even if I just go on a walk)
4. Start a food journal again

I am going short and sweet this week. It's time to get the train back on track. I know life can be frustrating, I know we can lose our way with the things we want to accomplish. But as long as we have a support system, one that is always there for us, we can do anything! You will be surprised at the people willing to lend their support when you tell them you are making a healthy life style change! So go out there and change the world! (or your world, whichever you feel like today) And remember, You can shine NO MATTER what you're made of! 

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