Thursday, May 15, 2014

And the numbers are in....

First off, as promised, my measurements as of April 29,2014

Chest: 46in
Waist: 47.5 in
Hip: 49.5 in
Arm: 19 1/8 in
Thigh: 27 in
Calf: 18
Weight: 226.6 (221.6 on 05/15/2014)

     In the society we live in, we are conditioned to focus on weight as a number. I originally didn't want to weigh myself because I always get frustrated when I don't lose enough weight compared to how hard I am working out, and how much I change my eating habits. My goal was to be healthy. But then I realized I needed at least some type of goal I could monitor so I weighed myself. I started out at 225. Throughout the next week I was able to move a buttonhole on my belt. I was so excited! It wasn't much, but it was something I could physically see.  Then the next week, I weighed myself again, and of course I GAINED 1 pound! I was so upset! I felt like I had been working sooooo hard on losing weight and becoming healthier and what did I have to show for it? 1 more pound I was going to have to shed at some point. How frustrating! Did I mention how awesome my support team is?!?! Take my mom: As we are walking out the door on our way to work, after I told her my frustrating news, she says: "Eat good today, and don't let this bother you (easier said than done). We will talk to John and get it figured out" My mom's faith in what we are doing, helped build me back up. And then there's my Aunt Tori, she sent me a text in the middle of day (I am assuming after my mom told her) she said :"Hang in there. Your clothes fitting differently is progress. You are doing the right things." and then she tagged me in a post on Facebook that said : "Don't stop trying just because you've hit a wall. Progress is progress no matter how small." Two more blocks to help build me back up. And then John gave me a pep talk while I was doing 100 sit-ups. He said : " Don't give up. You only fail if you give up." And they are all right. It took me a couple of days to let their words of encouragement sink in, but once they did I felt a lot better.

     Excuse me for a moment while I step on my soapbox. Throughout this last two weeks, from the time I took my measurements to today (05/15/2014) people kept telling me that I looked like I had lost weight. Now don't get me wrong, I greatly appreciate the complements. However, knowing that I had gained a pound, I felt like the complements were insincere. NOT because they were, but because the numbers didn't support it. While talking with my chiropractor Dr. Amy, we came up with a solution. In our society were are so focused on pounds, but when working out we may be exchanging fat for muscle (which weighs more I might add). I challenge each of us to do two things. 1) If you are the one who is working out, and eating healthier focus on inches and how your clothes fit. If you weigh yourself, understand that is just a number. It doesn't present the whole picture. 2) If you notice someone looks better and you think they may have lost weight, don't tell them that it looks like they have lost weight. Instead tell them they look slimmer, they look fantastic, or they look healthier. This keeps their mind off of pounds, but always tell them you notice. Ok, thank you for listening to my soapbox, I am now stepping down. :)
      When John took my measurements, we also sat down and discussed my new diet. Are you ready (you should probably sit down if your not)? I must eat 5 TIMES A DAY, each meal is 300 Calories, with 30 g of protein, 26 g of carbs, and 7 grams of fat (good fat) and no sugars (fruit) after 3 pm! This is WAY harder than you might think. My biggest hurdle right now is carbs. (ha go figure) I have cut out bread almost completely, with the exception of 1 slice of bread in the morning. But the next biggest carb is FRUIT! 1 Fuji apple, has 34 g of carbs. This creates a problem, because as those of you who know me well, know I LOVE FRUIT! I would eat an apple with peanut butter for every meal, if I could, but the 34 g of carbs tells me I can't! So I have cut an apple in half, and just eat it for two meals. It's getting easier to make the right choices. Some days I fall off the wagon, but I only stay off for one meal then I am right back to it.
      My advice this week: Find a workout buddy. Someone who will help keep you honest, and who you can help to keep honest too. It's difficult to go at this alone. You have to have the will power of a navy seal, and lets face it, if we had that kind of will power, we wouldn't be in this predicament. When finding a workout buddy, it helps if you find someone along the same out of shape-ness as you. It helps you to not be as frustrated when you workout. My mom and I working out, and changing our eating habits together, has been a huge blessing for me. It allows me to vent to someone who understands, as well as someone to keep me motivated when all I really want is a Papa Murphy's Pizza. And when both of your will powers fail (which ours did on Tuesday night) then you have someone to help build your blocks back up.

This is really working, my clothes fit better, and my choices are changing! I know that if you keep with it and don't give up, you will NEVER fail! So just remember: YOU CAN SHINE NO MATTER WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF! and


  1. Great job Felica! Keep moving that belt buckle. You will get there.

  2. Very inspiring Felica. Thank you!!

  3. Felicia, I haven't seen you in person since you were like three.(I am your dad's cousin) You have blossomed into an amazing and beautiful young woman. What you are doing is inspiring. I was a fat kid who became an even fatter adult. Now I am 41 years old and am gaving to rely on a power chair to get around as my weight is causing my feet to break and I get pressure sores which have lead to my pinky toe having to be amputated. Its no fun, so stay motivated, keep up your good work and please keep blogging. You are an inspiration to others. There is no limit to the number of "fat kids" you will help prevent turning out like me.
