Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fine tuning a life style change!

     Hello again! I know it's been a long while since we have last had a little chat, (like 6 whole weeks BLAH!). The last six weeks has been quite the roller coaster ride. I have had some incredible ups, and some very depressing downs. I don't know if it's just the type of person I am, or if my body is just trying to catch up with all I am (and have) put it through. This might be a longer than normal post because I have a lot to catch up on (sorry). So let's go back, shall we. Buckle up it’s going to be a bumpy ride (she says in a Jamaican accent (name that movie))
     The last time I checked in, I weighed 221.6, and I had moved a button hole on my belt! I am still at that button hole and had lost another 3 POUNDS!!!!!! But then the downhill spiral started, and I figured out I have NO WILL POWER!!!! When I go grocery shopping for my parents, I buy meat and vegetables. Mostly healthy foods. But when I go to the store for myself, when nobody is going to be home, I buy oreos, chili, mac and cheese ( chili-mac is the best comfort food just saying), and milk. So when I house sat for a friend I ate chili-mac at least two meals a day, and I think I had oreos for breakfast two of the four days I stayed. Not to mention I stayed in bed watching Netflix those two days as well. I had no desire to go out and do anything. The weather was beautiful, and I stayed in bed and felt sorry for myself. Looking back on that weekend, I don't know why I was so depressed. The next week was no better for my attitude, but my eating was better (at least for a couple of days) because I was at home. I started to come back up from the awful attitude I had, and then I started house sitting again. And what did I do the first night I stayed there?!?!?!? I went to the store and bought oreos, milk, and butterfingers. Please tell me HOW that was a good idea?!?!?! What in Heaven's name was I thinking! I knew that if I bought crappy food, I would fell crappy. Yet I continued to buy crap the whole time I stayed there.  So for those of you who are counting I had 3 packages of oreos! (yes 3, I know) And when I realized how far backwards I had fallen, it made me feel even worse. But I looked at myself in the mirror, and I could see the changes that have been taking place. So I squared my shoulders, lifted my head, and told myself enough was enough!

     For the next 3 days ( I was back at home by now) I did really well. I ate five meals a day, all at about 300 calories ,and  I drank my vitamin water zero (lemonade flavored is the best kind). I was feeling pretty good! Then I started to slide back in my eating. I think I had a butterfinger one day, and then the next day I had a cookie or two or five. But I kept telling myself tomorrow is a new day, you can start again tomorrow. So then I would do great all day long, and then when I got home for dinner I would gorge myself, because I thought I was starving! When really, I could have had a small portion and been full enough. Now that I have told you all the BAD things I have done, let's on a the silver lining of these experiences.

     I am down to 220, as of June 19th ( I had gained 2 pounds since the previous time I had weighed) but I know why I gained the weight. I know how to fix my problem. Over the last week, I have been really trying to do my best (although I have been in a baking mood, so my church friends benefit. But I still have no will power when it comes to cookie dough). I had a conversation with my mom about why my will power sucks! I think it is the monotony of eating the same stuff every day, for every meal. ALL. THE. TIME. I am so bored with chicken, and turkey. So I want to hear from you! What is your favoritest healthy meal. I need ingredients, time cooked (if need be). I will start to share a meal each week, of something different I made throughout the week. And starting July 2nd (because my mom and I made a deal with our friend Pam, that if we didn't eat French Fries over the last two months, we could get French Fries and Frosties on July 1st) for 30 days, we are doing a clean eating frenzy. This means no DEEP FRIED SUGAR (like French Fries and Frosties) I challenge each of you to pick at least one day during the week and do the clean eating frenzy with us that same day each week for the 30 days!
     I want to give my mom a shout out this week. When we first starting this, her goal was to catch me, and my goal was not to let her. Well last week she was two pounds from me. I am so very proud of my mom! She has been an inspiration to me! She has started to run again too! A couple of weeks ago, she started walking Tubbs hill in Coeur d'Alene. Then that got too easy for her, so she started running it! For those of you who have not been to Tubbs hill, it's basically a hiking trail that goes up and down and around this hill that is next to the lake.  Today (June 25) she ran it in her personal best time, of 30 mins! She is looking great, and I am pretty sure she caught me this week! WAY TO GO MAMA!

     On a medical note, I recently went to the Ophthalmologist to see (haha no pun intended) what was going on with my optic nerve. And he said it is staying the same. Now the reason I bring this up is because about six or seven weeks ago I stopped taking the medication that had prescribed to help reduce the hypertension. When I first went to the Doctor he said that weight loss would also help this problem. So I followed his instructions, but I also continued to see my great Chiropractor! Every six weeks we take scans of my spinal cord, and the nerves that are wrapped around it, to see how my body is healing and doing. The scans six weeks ago showed I had lots of issues. Basically my body was fighting, but it was still out of whack. But the scans I took last week showed MAJOR improvements. I had only two slightly troubled spots, and the most improved spot was in my atlas (which is at the base of my neck) Six weeks ago the scan color was black (black is the worst), and last week the color was white (white is the best). I am so grateful for Dr. Amy and her staff! They have been wonderful, and have been keeping me healthy!
     I have two goals for this week. 1) publish another blog post no later than July 5th (Andrew I expect a PM if I have not posted by Saturday night), and 2) find at least 2 new recipes to try out this week.
When I first started this I said I refused to starve myself, and that is still the case. But I want to amend that statement. It should say, I refuse to starve myself or bore myself with my life style changes. I love to eat, and I WILL find a way to make this work to my advantage! Thank you all for joining me on my roller coaster ride! I really hope it inspires somebody!

Here are some updated photos of me! 

June 20, 2013
May 22, 2014
I lost a whole tire ring! 

And don't forget, You can shine no matter what you're made of!

1 comment:

  1. Looking good Felica! Your struggles are real and they are the same for others. Just keep strong and keep doing what your doing. You will have good days and bad days, but your bad days will get farther and farther in between. The most important part is thst you don't give up and lose all the ground that you have gained.
