Thursday, May 1, 2014

Lessons Learned

So something I told myself I was going to do with this blog was to be upbeat and encouraging and happy. I told myself, if I can't say anything nice (or funny) I wasn't going to say anything at all. Lesson number 1 I learned this week: struggles and frustrations are part of real life. Deal with it, write about it, inspires others with it. My mom and my trainer John gave me some good advice. They said: " You have to write about your struggles, yours plateaus, your setbacks. Because if people hear all the fluff, and the happy times, and the achievements, but never hear the real life struggles, then when they hit their plateau, or their struggle then they quit." So don't say I didn't warn you. This post may be a little less than exciting, and a little less than uplifting, but here goes nothing!

     The last post, I talked about a goal of eating healthier, and I started off great and I am still doing well. every once in a while I eat something I shouldn't. Like the Butterfinger I ate the other day, or the skittles I had at the movie theatre. But if I take a look at what I had been eating, and the great strides I have made to get to where I am at, it shouldn't be as depressing and frustrating as it is. At this point in my past work out/ get healthy attempts I am on the 2-steps-back portion of my workout. And right now I feel myself slipping back one step. I want to eat everything in sight (especially fried foods and sugar). I know that if I push through I will feel better and get past this, but I look at the package of Oreos sitting in my grandma's cupboard and think, "That package of Oreos would taste sooooooo GOOOOOODDD with a big glass of ice cold milk" I have literally had my hand on the package, when I heard John say, "Better every time you walk out that door" or "You can have those, but you need to do burpees or sit-ups for the next day and half to work those off" (and people I HATE, and I mean HATE sit-ups and burpees). So this week I will continue to work on improving my frat-boy eating style until I can conquer the cravings of sugar and deep fried foods.

     Lesson Learned number two: Sit-ups suck!!!!! John made us do 150 sit-ups. I am sure you have heard the saying "abs of steel" I felt like I had "abs of rubber". It put a new meaning on spare tire though. My frustration and anger have been fueling my work-outs with my mom and our trainer John. Now don’t get me wrong, John is amazing! He is very positive, and knows how to push us past our perceived limits. Which is exactly why I wanted to tell him to shove it where the sun don't shine the other day!!! Here is our work out. 25 push-ups (I do girl push-ups), 50 squats, 75 SIT-UPS, and 100 mountain climbers (50 on each leg) and we had to do as many rounds as we could in 20 minutes. Yeah, I did two rounds. I was so frustrated doing my first 75 sit-ups I was crying. It was at that point I wanted to give up. But I am glad I didn't.

     Lesson Learned number three:  Doing mountain climbers with your shoe off, is a bad idea. No matter how badass you think you are, or you think you want to be. On my second round of mountain climbers, I had to do them in sets of 25. So on my last set of 25 out of 100 my shoe fell off and I didn't want to quit so I kept going. WORST IDEA EVER!!!! On the very last one my foot without the shoe slipped and my foot began to sting. So I thought, "oh great I got a blister and now I am going to have to pop it." HA! Come to find out, when I slipped that busted my blister right open!!!! I couldn't walk. I couldn't put pressure on it. But boy did I feel bad ass. (And now for the comedic relief) While I sat on the floor, and let my Mom and Pam (John's fiancĂ©) doctor my foot I asked my mom if we had Hydrochloric acid at home so I could put some on my foot to disinfect it. Yeah, I knew the word I wanted started with an 'H' and with all the crime dramas I watch, it's no wonder the thing that came to mind was hydrochloric acid. I now know, thanks to the laughing hyenas (Mom, Pam, and John) I know the word I was looking for was hydrogen Peroxide. The stuff in the brown bottle! (yeah, yeah, yeah, laugh it up!) Needless to say, my foot is still attached to my leg, it was not eaten by acid.

                I want to throw a shout out to all those who have commented on my blog, on Facebook, and to those who are cheering me on! I really appreciate all the words of encouragement, especially those I don't know. I ran into an old friend from high school the other day. After the encounter, I felt bad about myself. He didn't say anything that should have made me feel bad, and he didn't give me a look and I didn't read anything on his face that would have made me feel bad. And it took me a while to realize why I felt so bad. I could hear all the names and the whispers that I was calling myself. You would never hear those words come out of ANY of my friends (about me or anybody else) but I was saying that stuff about ME.
Lesson Learned number four: Be nice to yourself. It's hard to be happy when someone's mean to you all the time.

Here's to another week come a gone. Tomorrow will be better, better every time you walk out that door. Next blog, I will post measurements, weight and body fat. YIKES! This means its real, and I will have a base line. Remember: Be nice to yourself; You can shine no matter what you're made of!!!!!


  1. Great job FELICA! When you get thru these struggles, you will realize how strong
    you really are. You are making progress, one step at a time. Little steps.

  2. OUCH! I know how that feels! I had to do the same work-out last week as well, and had to break up the mountain climbers into groups of 25 by the end, as well. I swear, I didn't think anything was worse than burpees, but I think I truly hate mountain climbers more. Thank you so much for posting about the downs as well as the ups. It truly does make this feel like a supportive community. I really struggle with my eating habits as well. I do pretty well during the day because I pack my food for work, but my issue comes about after my son is in bed and I'm super tired and am craving the salt/sugar. I try to limit what I keep in the house, but when you tend towards eating-disordered habits, you can binge on anything! I try to keep in mind that the carbs/sugar in those foods are an addiction, and I need to look at it the same way I did when I was quitting smoking. Somehow, by thinking of the carb/sugars as addictions, it helps me to not feel so bad about myself - I'm actually struggling with an addiction, not just being weak... for some reason, that helps me to move forward without beating myself up too badly when I'm in my "two steps back" stage. I'm really enjoying reading your blog posts - please keep posting! And I hope to see you at the gym sometime! (I can't make it in the mornings, but might see you sometime in the afternoon/evening!) I would love to meet you!
