Thursday, July 3, 2014

Death by mountain climbers, reborn by tuck jumps

GOOOODDDD MMMMMMOOOOOORRRRRRNNNNNNIIIIINNNNNGGGGG! (or afternoon or evening as the case may be) Today was weigh-in day, and I am down another pound! For those of you that are keeping track, I am down to 215 lbs with a loss of 10 pounds. WAHOO! And I feel great! I have made a lot of decisions in the last couple of days in regards to this journey. Let's just start off at the top. 
Last week I set two goals, 1) write a new post prior to Saturday (check) and 2) find two new recipes to try out this week (1/2 check). I found a lot of recipes (check my Pinterest pages Healthy Eats and New Diet Recipes), but haven't had time to make any of them. I did get feed back from my friend Breana about grilled peppers, and marinaded chicken. I did buy some marinades that I cooked my chicken in tonight (which was delish! It was a garlic and herb 30 minute marinade). I also found some great salsa recipes. I made one tonight that was a peach-lime salsa. It took a lot of taste testing but I think it turned out okay. I have some other recipes I will try (hopefully) this week. With that being said, I came to my first decision. In light of the 30 day eating challenge that I am doing, I have decided I need to stop being so picky. I think by eating a variety of foods, it will help with the boredom I have with my current diet. So this means, I get to try different foods, like grilled peppers, or onions in salsa (I never really ate salsa unless it was purified or just the juice) I also am going to make a stir fry this week, and I think I will put zucchini in it. Has anyone every tried this? Let me know!
Also over the last week, I started SCUBA lessons! And I need a lot of work! First, last Thursday and Friday, I spent over 7 hours in the pool, learning how to breathe under water. Did you know that you are NOT supposed to breathe through your nose underwater? Well I thought I knew that too, but apparently there was a malfunction between my brain and my nose, because I continually inhaled water through my nose. (Needless to say, I need lots of work!) But back to the point, I am really out of shape! More so than I thought. One of the first things we had to do when we first got in the pool on Thursday was to swim the length of the pool in one breath! Well, I did it, but I thought I was going to die! Then after holding our breath for what seemed like forever, we had to swim back anyway we wanted to. Well, lets just say I was the last one back and the last one to stop hyper-ventilating from breathing so hard. (I think I was the only one that was hyperventilating but I couldn't hear anyone else over me.)  So this week I need to focus on exercise! Which is going to be a little harder, because I have pool time set up with my dad every day this week. Then what is my goal you ask.... I am going to get up at 5:15 every morning and work out of 30 minutes. What is the problem you ask... Did you not see I said 5:15 AM! I like to sleep, and 5:15 comes around once a day on my watch, and that is PM. But there is a saying that goes matter over mind (Yes I know I said it backwards, just keep reading) if it MATTERS enough to you, you wont MIND doing it! And this is important to me! I WILL DO THIS!!!! Watch me! 

Really focusing on this, making a conscious effort this week, I believe I will meet my one goal for next week.... My goal is to lose 5lbs by Thursday.I have lost pounds by exercising two days a week, and eating kind of healthy. Imagine what I can do as I really buckle down and focus! 
A quick story before I sign off. When we first started working out, we (my mom and I) told our trainer John, we cannot do jumping exercises (box jumps, tuck jumps, jump squats) because we both have bad knees, and I would not have been a good idea to jump up with that much weight on them. So anytime we saw them on the board we would always say "We can't do those" and he would give us another exercise to do. A couple weeks ago, I made a deal with John. I said, "When I am under 200 pounds I will do tuck jumps." He agreed. When I went to work out today, the board said 20 minutes -12 BOX JUMPS, 12 swings (kettle bells), 12 squat presses, 12 TUCK JUMPS, and 12 sit-up. My first thought was ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! I can't do tuck jumps and box jumps. I am going to die! As I was talking to John and his wife Pam before my workout, and I told them my goals for this week, I realized I have to start somewhere. Before I started, I was joking with them, and asked John about our deal, and he said "close enough. I know you will be under 200 soon, so close enough, get to work!" So I got to work. I did 4 rounds in 20 minutes! I did five tuck jumps IN A ROW with stopping, and I also did all four sets of sit-ups without stopping to rest (I did 12 sit-ups in a row without stopping, for all four sets!) It felt good to work out! Those little victories helped! They are helping buoy me up, and allow me to celebrate when I need a push. 

I DIED! But I finished the workout!
This week: Celebrate the little victories; buckle down and focus; and always remember- You can shine no matter what you're made of!


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