Sunday, August 24, 2014

Back to normal

Each week before I sit down to write in my blog I reread what I wrote last week. Mostly so I can give you an update on how my goals went during the week, and so I don't repeat myself too much. This week I did the same thing and each week I say the same thing: "Well at least you got some of your goals from last week." Some weeks, I feel ok that I didn't complete all my goals, and other weeks I don't. Either way I have written them down so I have something to work towards. This week has not been so hot for my goals, but has still been a pretty good week. I worked out four days this week for at least 30 minutes(Sunday,Monday, Thursday and Saturday. More on Saturday later) I did not try a new food this week. My intention was to make some foods using cauliflower, but I didn't get to it before I started house sitting. And I held myself accountable while house sitting. But I did not hold myself accountable while I was at my cousin's wedding reception (Hey it was a FREE DESERT BAR! you try holding yourself back :) ) However I did jog at least one of my workouts. In fact I jogged two!

On Sunday after church I jogged Tubbs hill with Pam. It was really hard! We didn't jog the whole thing, because it was the first time I had jogged since I was in high school (which was 10 years ago thank you very much!). We did jog ALL the UPHILL  portions, and then we did intervals on the way back. If I could have talked I might not have said some very nice things. You may be asking yourself when was the second time I jogged on a workout? Well let me tell you! I ran a 5K race on Saturday called the Slime Run. I thought jogging Tubbs was hard. Oh man was I wrong! When we first started the race on Saturday, I told myself I would jog a little ways, then walk then jog a little more. But when I got to the first place I was going to stop and walk, my healthy self (that is trapped inside the not so healthy self) said "Buck up buttercup! You came here to do the race and YOU ARE GOING TO DO THIS RACE!" So I told my mom and the other two people who were with us (Cody, Pam's son and Nicole, Pam's other son's girlfriend) that my goal was to jog the whole thing! And I DID! Folks that is 3.1 miles! Did I forget to mention I HATE RUNNING! But it was the best thing for me! 

Now let me emphasize a few things before you get too proud. The run was a fun run. so there were times where we went through obstacles and had to wait in line, so I did get to take a few breaks. And I did complain a lot, and say how much I HATE RUNNING! Just like I am now. Running has always been a challenge for me, and I think it always will be. I get bored, and so then my mind starts to tell me that I can't do it. Recently though, my mind has been fighting with my inner healthy girl. Most days my inner healthy girl wins! Someday soon, my inner healthy girl will be on the outside too!
Speaking of outside healthy girl: I am down to 206 as of Thursday morning. That is a total of 19 pounds! My mom is down a total of 40 pounds! We are kicking butt and taking names! I think from now on every time I weigh myself I am going to play the song "Another one bites the dust" I went to the neurologist on Tuesday to get a check up and they weigh you when you first come in. The last time I was there, in January, before this big adventure I weighed 235. When the weighed me in August I weighed 211. THAT’S 24 POUNDS! I did that in 8 months! With the help of my mom, my family, my friends, and especially my trainer John and his wife Pam, and my chiropractor Dr. Amy. I have been able to see this huge difference and transformation. A transformation that has led to me missing the days that I don't lift. John called me an official gym rat the other day. Before we started lifting I told them that we had to hurry because I had soooo much stuff I had to do when I got home (Like make tutus for our slime run costumes.) So we started lifting, and we did three machines (4 rounds on 2 and 3 on the other.) and I asked which machine we were going to do next and John said that we were done because I had to hurry and be done. So I said well since I am here we might as well do another machine (because we usually do 4 machines). That's when he said you have now officially become a gym rat. And I LOVE IT! 
Another transformation that I thought I would never see me have is the love of fun runs! Now don't get me wrong I still HATE RUNNING! But the fun run together as whole was awesome! I am looking forward to doing more of them! Next on my check list is color me rad, and the dirty dash. Any other fun runs I should look into?

This week's challenge was eating! I did fine with eating on the plan. the struggle came with desire. I didn't want to eat healthy AT ALL! I craved everything this week. Wendy's cheeseburgers and french fries, with a chocolate frosty. I craved chocolate cupcakes, and cake, and cookies. If it had sugar on it I craved it. If it was deep fried I craved it. I stuck to my guns (well until the dessert bar at my cousin's wedding. Thanks Devin and Brenda!). I have been trying to read articles to help with cravings. What do you do to get rid or past your cravings?  I tried to drink water, I tried eating some fresh fruit (I was craving oreos and milk, so I had 3 peaches and it didn't work! I still wanted those oreos) and I also tried keeping my hands busy (I played farm hero saga and hungry birds which didn't work either).

Some articles said to have whatever you are craving but in moderation. I am not sure those people have every had an Aunt Flo type of craving before. You don't just eat something in moderation and then be done. You eat the whole thing and then still want more. This week I have been just trying to live with it (it's been really hard not to injure people). I just keep thinking that as this transformation continues my skills for "living" with cravings will get better, but the people around me may not survive!

Alright it's goal setting time. This week there will five, but the fifth will be dependent on the other four.
1. Workout 5 days this week, for at least 30 minutes.
2. Jog two days this week.
3. In 14 out of the 35 meals I have in the next 7 days (that’s two meals a day) I need to have vegetables. (I eat entirely too much fruit, if that’s even possible)
4. Make a new recipe this week. (maybe vegetable based and I could kill two birds with one stone)
5. Complete all four other goals this week.

If you are reading this and want to change your lifestyle, or are looking to get back on the wagon here are a couple of Facebook pages to go look at and like (sorry I sound like a infomercial but seriously) The first two have helped me stay on track and healthy, the third is one that I just like.
 First check out Spoelstra Family Chiropractic. This is my chiropractor and she is amazing. She not only keeps me and my mom healthy from the inside out, but they also have a great program that helps with Autism, ADHD, and other learning disabilities without drugs. It is really an amazing program.

The second page is John Caylor Personal Training. This guy is my trainer! He has really helped to put me on the track to success, and has encouraged me all the way! 48 weeks John!

 And the third and final facebook page I would check out is called from thick to thin. This girls story is similar to mine (she is doing crossfit though) but she has a clothing line. She also usually posts some inspirational things on her page.

Something to remember this week, we all struggle, we all trip and fall. It does not matter what happened yesterday, and it does not matter what step we are on today, it only matters which direction we are going. Are we moving forward? or are we moving backward away from our goals?

And as always remember You CAN SHINE, no matter what you're made of! 

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