Saturday, August 30, 2014

Fizzling out?

I want to start out by saying (or reminding myself) I don't want to be one of those blogs that constantly whines about how hard and frustrating my life is. I want to stay up beat and positive. I want to inspire others when they are going through their own struggles. With that being said, I also want to be honest about what I go through, because I know others go through the same things. Maybe at different times, maybe in different ways, but at least others will know they are not alone. I am also made aware that I am not alone, by the comments I get either through Facebook, or by people just telling me when I see them. So I apologize if I sound whinny today (or any other time for that matter).

This week I have felt like I am fizzling out. I was doing so great with staying on track, working out, and keeping my head up. It has been a long time since I have wanted to just give up. This week was one of those weeks. When I was house sitting last week, I weighed myself on Sunday morning (after the 5K run) to see how much weight I had lost. On Sunday morning I was down to 205. Now granted I was using someone else's scale, but most of the circumstances were the same (same time of morning, same outfit). I was so stoked! That night I went and ran Tubbs with Pam, and posted my blog. I continued to work hard, but as the week worn on my body got tired. I had burst of energy but it wasn't lasting all day like it was before. So on Wednesday morning (a day early) I weighed myself at home. My scale said 211! I was PISSED!!!!! I hadn't been eating anything different, I was still working out. In fact I worked out Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday! My mom told me it was water weight, but I didn't believe that because my rings and clothes fit fine. I was bloated or anything. It threw me off. So that day, I ate normal and ran Tubbs that night with my mom. On Thursday I woke up and weighed myself again and I weighed 208. Which was better than 211, but definitely not the 205 I weighed before. Going up and down in weight like that let me get inside my head. I started to think that it wasn't worth it; that I was eating healthy and it wasn't working so why not have oreos instead of celery. Its been really hard to choke down the healthy food this week.

 And finally I just gave in. Friday night after work my mom and I stopped by Wendy's and I had a double cheeseburger, large fry, and a large Frosty. I still had that small voice in the back of my head that was making me feel guilty, but I seemed to ignore her enough, because I finished my meal. And tonight, I made macaroni and cheese with taquitos for dinner, and I finished that. Now after I ate all that CRAP, I feel like CRAP. I feel bloated and fat. It makes me want to go get a package of oreos and say, Forget this! I know in the long run it would not make me happy. I would be more upset if I did give up completely, but this sucks!

But as I sit here and write this, I am starting to feel better. Maybe because I am talking about it. Maybe because I can just vent, and not hear any logic that my consolers ( I don't think that's a real word, but it should be) would be saying (I do appreciate my consolers though).

My goals this week went pretty much how they do every week. I ran two days this week (Monday and Wednesday) I didn't workout five days this week but four (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday) I didn't have vegetables for 14 meals, although I did have vegetables for 11 meals out of 35. So closer than the weeks prior. I did try a new recipe this week. I made cauliflower tortillas (well I tried, they didn't turn out like they were supposed to :(  ). So I got two out of five goals this week. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
Let's try this again:
1. Workout 5 days this week.
2. Jog at least 2 work outs
3. Eat vegetables for at least two meals a day.
4. Post at least one positive thing about my workout/food plan a day
5. Meet other 4 goals
Maybe number four will help me to be less cranky, and get out of this funk!

I just have to keep telling myself, everybody has hard times. Its how we handle those hard times that defines us. I WILL NOT GIVE UP! Ever! It may take me longer, but I WILL reach my goals!

We must always remember, You can shine no matter what you're made of!


  1. your are doing awesome kiddo, don't give up, you have come so far, keep your head up, your goals in mind and keep on keeping on, eye on the prize, love you kiddo.

  2. No giving up angel. You are doing great and the brutal honesty is very cool. Keep it up.
