Saturday, July 19, 2014

Another three pounds bites the dust!

Wow, has it really been a week since I wrote last. It feels like it was just yesterday. Time flies when you're losing weight! Ha! Just a little recap catch up from last week. I am now a certified diver (just have some book work to complete)! I am house sitting again, and I have lost another three pounds! Yeah buddy! The official weigh in is 209.4!

My goals from last week went splendid! I took a step back and told myself: It doesn't matter how fast it comes off, all that matters is that the weight is coming off! As I was working on getting my dive certification, I had to wear weights in my vest in order to help me stay under water. I had to wear a weight belt that weighed 14 pounds. I also had to walk up a small hill in order to get from the water to the truck with that weight belt on! I thought I was going to die. It felt soooooo heavy. But when I got to thinking about it, I was carrying that weight around with me EVERYDAY! It really put it into perspective.
I made a new recipe this week! I was so excited, and it was sooooo goooood! I made cilantro lime shrimp! oh man oh man!

I made it with noodles but no sauce. The shrimp itself was delicious, but the noodles needed a little something else. I didn't want to use a red sauce because I thought it would take away from the shrimp. I also didn't want to use a white sauce because well, its really fattening. But I was looking on pinterest and found a recipe to make Alfredo sauce out of cauliflower. So my lucky parents and my cousin Sid, are going to get to try Alfredo this week, using cauliflower!

Now onto the diet part of the blog. First off, I am going to put a disclaimer, or warning in here. So everyone listen up. If you are a boy, man, or someone who is uncomfortable talking about girl problems, you should stop reading now.
Don't say I didn't warn you!
I think the hardest part of any diet is when Aunt Flow and her baggage show up on your doorstep each month! My cravings are through the roof! I don't think I have ever, and I mean EVER craved chocolate and sweets and salts, and grease, and soda, (did I mention chocolate and ice cream), so much in my entire life! I am suppose to be on a month of clean eating and I went 17 days without one piece of chocolate, or one thing I wasn't suppose to be eating. And today it ALL fell apart. (Ok so not all of it but it felt more dramatic) I ate a handful of dark chocolate m&ms. I know, the horror! LOL. I say this because I feel it important that I remember, I am allowed to have a hand full of m&ms every 17 days, if my body says I need it. Knowing our limits, and recognizing the difference between a need, and an addiction is something that a life style change requires. When I first started this whole 30 days of clean eating, it wasn't so that I could be perfect and go the whole 30 days with out indulging ever again. I did it so I could prove to myself that I could go more than 2 or 3 days without indulging. Another lesson learned: It's called a cheat MEAL, not a cheat day, or week, or month, or life. Its one MEAL, one entree! Just because you have a cheat meal doesn't mean you get to go down the rabbit hole again.
This next week, I want to focus on exercise. My goals will focus around that.
1. I will jog AT LEAST one workout this week.
2. I will do 250 sits ups/ leg lifts by Thursdays
3. I will work out every day for 30 mins or more this week (except for Sunday)

I love how I am starting to feel! My clothes are continuing to loosen up, I catch my breath a lot faster, and I walk with more confidence and my head up so I can meet peoples gazes. This week will test my commitment, my strength, and will power. The cravings will only get worse as will the lack of desire to do anything except curl up in a ball, lay on the couch, and watch Netflix with a tub of ice cream and peanut butter and oreos. But I will concur this! I CAN AND I WILL! you just watch me!

As always, remember, you can shine no matter what you're made of!

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