Sunday, July 27, 2014

51 pounds and 37 inches ago....

Sorry this is a little late. It's been an interesting week, (and to be honest I was finding it a little hard to write). My short term goals did not fair too well this week. I did not work out everyday except for Sunday (I did work out Tuesday through Friday), I did not run/jog any of my workouts, and I did not do 250 sit-ups, crunches or leg lifts. I am also still at 209.4. If we were just looking at my short term goals, I would have failed this week. Even though I didn't complete a single one of my goals this week. I am still proud of the work I did.

My mom and I started working out with John (our personal trainer) and his wife Pam.
This is Pam
 Prior to this week, we had been working out while John encouraged us to keep going. We would use a list of exercises John would put on a whiteboard. I think I have put up some pictures with us laying in front of them. Now we are lifting weights with John and Pam. Let me just say one thing about our work out partners. HOLY WOW! These two can really pump some iron! We lifted on Thursday (chest) and Friday (back) and I am STILL sore! But it's weird, its my upper arms, my shoulders, and my arm pits! Can I just ask: How can one's ARM PITS get sore?!?!

Anyway the best part about this week. My saving grace! We did our measurements again. Its been 12 weeks since we first took measurements. Some of you have probably seen some pictures on Facebook, but here are the ones we really want you to see.

Together, in 12 weeks, we have lost 51 pounds, and 37 inches! My mom has lost 7 inches in just her waist! We have lost a small child between the two of us. John sent me this picture and told me I had lost half of my face! All this work, all this dedication, all this pain, and frustration has proven to be worth it! When we first started this my attitude was so negative. I didn't want to work out, I didn't want to eat better, I wanted the magic fix, but I didn't want to put in the effort. Now I am so glad I have put in this much effort, to get to where I am today. Recently I have come across some old shirts that I couldn't wear because they were too tight, I looked like the Micheline Man. I can now wear them with my head held high, and not have to worry about my tires protruding from my shirt.
Here are my actual numbers:
Chest: 44.25
Waist: 44..75
Arm: 12.75
Thigh: 25
Calf: 17.5
Weight 209.4

My goals this week will stay the same, because I didn't reach them.
1. I will jog AT LEAST one workout this week.
2. I will do 250 sits ups/ leg lifts by Thursdays
3. I will work out every day for 30 mins or more this week (except for Sunday)

One thing I must confess, Each day I get up with my head held high, because I have worked so hard to get where I am at. But some days I walk out the door, and I become my old self. I worry about how people see me. I still find myself hiding from people I know in grocery stores. Because I don't want them to see me this way. Some day, I will be able to bump into someone I knew from high school, or someone I knew from before I started this lifestyle change and I am going to shock them! I want to have the confidence to say hi to friends I had in high school, without worrying about what they might think as I walk away. Even though I have lost weight and inches, I still fight to be proud of my figure! Every day that I get up and pack my workout clothes, and my lunch I get one day closer. One day I will walk out my door and my head will not drop at all. 

We have 4 more days of eating clean! This has been one of the best things that I could have ever done! It has also been one of the hardest things I have ever done. On Saturday, my mom, Grandma, Great Grandma and I went to my cousin's fiance's bridal shower. And they had cake! I didn't think it would be that bad, because I had my mom there to help support me. It was THE HARDEST thing I have ever had to do. Everyone (except my mom) around me was eating cake! But this commitment to a healthier lifestyle was just the hand hold I needed to make it through. It has helped me to realize I do have strength over food, and that I do like other things besides Chili-mac and oreos. Thank you all again for your support and comfort, and encouragement. It's been nice to know you all have our backs! 
In order to change we must do things that make us uncomfortable. 
And as always, Remember you can shine no matter what you're made of! 


  1. You are an inspiration! I am so proud of what you're doing. Keep up the amazing work!!

  2. you are doing awesome kiddo, yo0u and your mom look great, keep up the good work, you both are such an inspiration, you look fantastic, very proud of the both of you.
