Saturday, July 12, 2014

Like a champ!

Holy cheese and rice! This week has FLOWN by! Over the last week I have celebrating many victories! My goal last week was to lose 5 pounds by Thursday at weigh in, even though I didn't lose 5 pounds, I celebrated the small victory of losing 3 pounds. I am now down to 212! My mom didn't catch me this week (phew!), but she has been working out a lot harder than I have been, so she may beat me this upcoming week. Another small victory was on Friday July 4th, while I was at work, they were handing out cookies. BIG cookies! You know the ones: Store bought, big chocolate chunks, have to break it into fifteen pieces for it to fit into a big gulp size cup of milk. Yeah! Those ones! Anyway, I turned them down! Like a champ! It was a great feeling knowing that I had the will power to say NO!
This week has also been a test of my dedication to weight loss. Over the past couple of years, I have really wanted to learn how to SCUBA dive, and finally for Christmas this past year, my parents surprised me with SCUBA lessons! Two ago, I had my first and second pool session for training. Holy cheese and rice! I was horrible, I freaked out about having water in mask, and not being able to breath through my nose. (PS you are supposed to breath through your nose under water, that's what you have a regulator in your mouth for. Just in case your were wondering) So I needed a lot of practice, but the only time to practice was after work, and that's when we work out. I decided that since I was too busy after work, I would get up at 5 am and work out before work on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Well for those of you who don't know me very well, I HATE MORNINGS! I actually have a t-shirt that says I am allergic to mornings. But I was dedicated to making this work. I told my dad every night before, that I needed to make sure that I was up no later than 5:15 am so I could work out (he gets up and goes to work that early) When Monday rolled around, my alarm went off at 5 and I shot straight up out of bed, and got to working out. ( I used an old workout we had done with John 20 mins of 25 squats, 25 push-ups, 25 burbpees, and 25 sits up.) The biggest problem I had working out in the morning (and this goes for every morning I worked out) I don't have enough energy. Monday I didn't eat before working out and it SUCKED (Tuesday we had Zumba in the Park with Sarah) Wednesday I ate a banana and a mojo protein bar about 10 mins before I worked out, and Thursday I ate a banana, and both of those days I still didn't have enough energy. I worked out but it was TOUGH! Wednesday I set my alarm for 4:45 (so I could eat and hang out a little longer before I worked out) but I kept hitting my snooze, and rolled out of bed at 5:15. And Thursday was the same. I felt like those were steps in the right direction, but I need to step up my game! My mom is about to catch (if she hasn't already) I have decided I am going to try (I said TRY) jogging, and I get really bored when I jog/run, so here is my question to you this week. What is your favorite running/workout song. I need something that will keep me going, and keep my mind off the fact that I am running. So ready GO!
Like I said before this week has flown by, but not without its challenges. I have gotten past the everyday cravings of crap, but when I get really hungry I want to throw in the towel and eat some chili-mac, or a huge pine creek tavern burger (think of your hometown burger joint, add 1000 more calories and another gallon of grease and you have pine creek tavern.), but they are soooooooo bad for you. I have worked hard to lose the pounds I have lost (13), but I have also spent the almost 10 years putting it on. This is my quote for today

My grandma Willy says this to me all the time! My goals this week are:
1. Take things one day at a time! I can feel myself starting to get frustrating with not losing weight fast enough, with the amount of effort I feel like I am putting in.
2. Continue to eat clean, and turn down those temptations!
3. Make a new recipe this week!

If I can do this, you can do this! (this includes my future/current self) I have to have the confidence, will power, and strength to move forward day by day! I got this!

Thank you to everyone who is supporting mine and my mom's journey! Everyone has been so encouraging, and helpful! I hope (and I think my mom feels the same way) that our journey can help someone else start theirs!
Remember to have strength, will power, and confidence as you go throughout your week! And as always, remember you can shine no matter what you're made of!

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